www.westerncanadacorsa.com |
September 7, 2003 |
Western Canada CORSA
No pre-registration is required. We're keeping it simple by making lunch a PotLuck affair with WCC members hosting. The venue is the historic Stave Falls/Hayward Lake area near Mission, B.C., both sites of some of our province's earliest settlements. We are planning to have a tour of the Stave Falls Power House, a working 1912 generating station. Check out Christy's link to the BC Hydro site and scroll down about halfway to the Stave Falls Power House-Visitor Centre hyperlink and click on it for details. A small admission fee is charged there, but it's well worth it. September 7th is the day after the Langley Cruise-in, which normally attracts over 3000(!) old cars and fills the entire downtown and many side streets with an all-day car show and festival. Things up here will really be rolling.
See you all, Shaun McGarvey VP WCC
coveted Tongue Depressor awards to be given for:
best Early open
best Early Closed
best Late Open
best Late Closed
best FC/Specialty
best Daily Driver
People's Choice
President's Choice
Here are some useful links for planning your trip to Mission to be treated for Corvairitis. You know the symptoms, you know the cure and you know you got it bad so don't wimp out - the Doctor is in!